❤️ Remembering We Are Spirit ❤️ Learning That Being Human Is a Spiritual Experience ❤️
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Explore your past lives, alternate lives, the afterlife in-between lives, and beyond...
...while you connect and receive messages as you communicate directly with your personal Spirit Guides and others from your Spirit Team.
Life Beyond Form® is about a multi-dimensional Spirit Journey that will transform your perception of who you are, as both Spirit and Human:
🦋 The "work" happens through you and for you from your Higher Self and Spirit Team; my role is to help facilitate the journey and clarify what's being presented so that your beautiful human can understand and integrate the information more easily.
🦋 What is shared with you is what you need to receive the most at this time, and it is perfectly aligned to you and your beliefs, with the intention of helping you deepen your connection with your Spirit Team, which always includes your Higher Self, and expand the edges of your understanding.
🦋 The Life Beyond Form® journey will reveal a story or experience that will present itself as abstract, a metaphor, or even as a Past Life, an Alternate Life, or an aspect of the Afterlife Between Lives.
💦 Connect and communicate directly with your Higher Self and Spirit Guides...
💦 Explore aspects of your multi-dimensional Self that are relevant to this current life...
💦 Deepen your understanding of what it means to be both Spirit and Human...
We are all on a quest to find our true selves throughout our lives, this site and the work that I do is an autobiographical representation of my own journey and the passion I feel to share what I have learned about what it means to be both Spirit and Human, and the symbiotic relationship between the two. In doing so, the hope is that my journey can help you connect, awaken and remember the true greatness, majesty and magnitude of who you are. So that you can create the life you want to live, with even more joy, abundance and love.
"May We All Soar With Inspiration, Explore With Passion and Live With Love."
~ Daniel Martinez Stahl
Below is an LBF Case Study and sample videos of different Life Beyond Form® Spirit Journeys
LBF Case Study 🦋 Amy and the Lion, A Story About Love, Sacrifice and Forgiveness
Past Life Regression (PLR) with Chiara
This video is a more typical exploration of a past life journey. It could just as easily have gone to a parallel life, future life, or even an alternate life in another planet or dimension. The journey is prepared and presented entirely by Chiara's Higher Self and Spirit Team.
Afterlife Exploration
with Raquel
This is an example of a longer Life Beyond Form® session that is designed to take Raquel into the afterlife to explore key aspects of her experience in-between lives that are relevant for her to better understand herself and her journey in this current lifetime.
Meeting Spirit Team with Sandy
This is a shorter Life Beyond Form® journey, that begins with the intention of potentially exploring a past life or an alternate life, but her Spirit Team takes here some place else. In this case, she goes to a space for healing and release before being presented with key members of her Spirit team.
Working Together...
If you would like to experience a Life Beyond Form® Spirit Journey for yourself, I would recommend starting with a short journey, which lasts about 1.5-2.0 hours (typical journey may include something like a metaphoric story or something similar to a past life regression, which is more accurately described as an alternate life.
Regardless of the story and journey that your Spirit Team shares with you, we will explore the scene(s) in as much detail as we can. We will invite your Guides to help us connect the dots so that your beautiful Human clearly understand the significance of the experience as it relates to your current life in the moment.
Either before or after you sign up for a Life Beyond Form® Spirit Journey...
My role as a facilitator of your Life Beyond Form ™ Spirit Journey, have it be a past life, alternate life, afterlife in-between lives (based primarily on the work of Michael Newton, which he refers to as Life Between Lives®), a metaphoric journey or something else, is to help you to move through your experience with ease and to help you get the most of your experience.
The quality of the experience is ultimately dependent on your own ability to relax your body, expand your awareness and allow yourself to receive the messages from your Spirit Team, which is honestly a lot easier than most people think.
Below are some resources that will help you prepare for our session(s):
Maximizing a Past Life or In-Between Lives Regression (w. Daniel Martinez Stahl)
This video answers many questions around spiritual regression and will help you to understand some of the things you can do to get the most of your session. Not only will this video answer many questions you didn't even realize you had, but it also begins to guide you on how best to approach your session so that you are able to relax your body and expand your awareness more easily.
Below are also a couple guided meditations that will help you to better understand your own energy and your different energetic bodies, as well as assist you in expanding your awareness and connecting with your higher self and spiritual team. (Note: The meditations will also acclimate you to the way I speak and to the tone of my voice, which will make it even easier for you to relax deeply and easily when we work together.)
SQP-Ep.028 ~ Guided Mediation ~ Healing Sphere of Violet Light (w. Daniel Martinez Stahl)
SQP-Ep.020 ~ Guided Mediation ~ 4 Bodies, 9 Chakras, and Spirit Guides (w. Daniel Martinez Stahl)
A-la-Cart and Standard Package Energy Exchange:
Any new engagement will begin with a complimentary scoping session(30-60 mins) where we can learn about each other and collectively determine if we want to work and explore together.
Before your first Life Beyond Form® Spirit Journey, we will also have an Orientation session (30-60 mins) to help you get the most of the experience and to answer any questions you might have.
Life Beyond Form® Classic Spirit Journey (e.g. Past Life, Alternate Life, Metaphoric Journey) | 1.5–2.0 hours | US$333
Life Beyond Form® Afterlife Exploration | 3.5–5.0 hours | US$555
(please note, at least one of the shorter LBF Spirit Journey session is strongly recommended beforehand)
Below are other configurations and standard package options. Please let me know if you would like to customize a spiritual development and exploration program.
LBF Shared Spirit Journey for TWO (similar to LBF Spirit Journey but for two people together) | 1.5–2.0 hours | US$444
LBF Akashic Records Journey | 45–60 minutes | US$189
LBF Spiritual Development Starter Package (Three Development and one Short LBF) | US$888
LBF Spiritual Explorer Package (Short LBF, Afterlife, and one Development) | US$999
LBF 10-Week Immersion Package (Eight Development, one Short and one Afterlife) | US$2220
LBF Three-Day Intensive (Three Days Intensive Spiritual Development and one Short LBF) | US$3735
Spiritual Development, Deepening and Coaching Session | 60–90 minutes | US$222
Please note: This work is not for everyone...
Expanding beyond the edges of what it means to be human requires a willingness to go beyond conventions and old definitions, with the courage to create new pathways for how you want to live your life.
Life Beyond Form® Training Opportunities...
The Life Beyond Form® Spirit Journey is a multi-dimensional experience that goes beyond a simple or traditional Past Life Regression and many other Spiritual Regressions as well. The different Life Beyond Form® training programs reflects this difference, we will go far beyond the technique or process of facilitation as we explore and deepen your understanding of what it means to be both Spirit and Human.
This deeper understanding of Life is the most important aspect of this approach because it is not about the technique or process, and all about where you coming from as a facilitator; what some would call your grounding. The depth of your understanding is fundamentally what determines your skill as a facilitator and your ability to co-create with Spirit.
LBF Level-01 ~ The Life Beyond Form® Spirit Journey Facilitator Training ~ Starting 02-March-2024
This Life Beyond Form® Level-01 training will include the specifics of language, inductions, and the how-tos of facilitating multi-dimensional spirit journeys. However, though I will share what I do and how I do it, the idea behind this course is to give you a solid foundation for you to create your own approach. The intention is not to focus on the how and more on the why. It's more about understanding the reasoning behind what I do, trying to shine a light on what is behind my approach, and less on the process or specifics themselves.
Follow the links below for the outline of this course and to register for the next class:
LBF Level-01 ~ The Life Beyond Form®
Spirit Journey Facilitator Training
~ Starting TBD
LBF Level-02 ~ Being Human, Understanding Who You Are as Spirit ~ Starting 06 January (Under Development)
This program is focused on deepening our understanding of what it means to be both Human and Spirit. We will explore and discuss the elements that are working behind-the-scenes of life, which makes our Human experience possible, as well as some theories about our Spiritual essence, and integrating this all back into how this deeper, broader and more expansive understanding helps you to live a better quality of life. This foundational understanding strengthens the base from which you facilitate Spirit Journeys, it informs the questions you ask and offers Spirit more options for the story they want to reveal when you are facilitating their person.
The deeper description page for this program is still being developed.
LBF Level-02 ~ Being Human,
Understanding Who You Are as Spirit
~ Date TBD (Under Development)
LBF Level-03 ~ Deepening and Expanding Your Connection with Spirit ~ Date TBD (Under Development)
This third level of training has not yet been created yet, however, the general idea is to help you to better understand your own ability to feel, recognize and perceive energy. Your own ability to communicate and connect with Spirit again informs and helps direct your process of facilitating Spirit Journeys. We will explore the different senses that are used to perceive and receive messages from Spirit and speak about how these can be used to help you facilitate Spiritual Journeys with greater alignment to Spirit and the message they are wanting to share with their charge.
The deeper description page for this program is still being developed.
LBF Level-03 ~ Deepening and Expanding
Your Connection with Spirit
~ Date TBD (Under Development)
Finally, if You Want to Become an Life Beyond Form® Certified Facilitator...
In order to practice as a Life Beyond Form® Spirit Journey Certified Facilitator, it will require the completion of all three LBF Training modules, along with this mentorship program designed to give personal and individual feedback. The mentorship will consist of weekly sessions that will alternate between calls focussed on deepening your Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) and group mentoring calls, where we will discuss and review a recent session from one a participants, with their client's consent. The Spiritual Intelligence sessions will cover a variety of topics to help you deepen your understanding and expand your skillset as a LBF Spirit Journey Facilitator.
The length of the mentorship program will depend on the number of participants to give everyone a chance to be featured in and focused on as part of our group discussions. The intention is to create a collaborative space where we can all grow, support and learn together, and from each other.
The Life Beyond Form® approach is adaptable and open to go in any direction, so there are not right or wrong directions, just opportunities to explore in a different direction. By listening to different ideas for where a session could have gone, we all learn and we all expand our ability to facilitate with greater easy, grace and impact.
The deeper description page for this program is still being developed.