Life Beyond Form™ Shared Spirit Journey

Thank you for your faith in me and for the honor of allowing me to be part of your journey. I am very excited to see what we will discover together and for the growth that we will experience along the way.

Please include your phone number below in case I can't reach you via email. Lots of Love, Daniel 🙂❤️

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If you would like to donate anything extra, the additional financial love is appreciated. 🙂❤️

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Life Beyond Form™ Afterlife Between Lives Spirit Journey

The LBF Afterlife Between Lives session is typically 3.5-5.0 hours and requires having completed a Short LBF session.

These longer LBF sessions are intended to allow your Spirit Team to reveal aspects of the Afterlife, of who you are, and what you do when you are not incarnated in physical form.


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Playing with Spirit Channeled Session

These private Playing with Spirit Channeled sessions give you an opportunity to interact directly with Spirit, to ask questions and to receive messages, transmissions and healings that are directed by your higher self and personal Spirit Guides. The energies that channel through me are always based on Love and are here to help you step even more into your own mastery and greater alignment with your true Self. (45-60 minute session)


Order summary

Life Beyond Form™ Shared Spirit Journey

The Life Beyond Form™ Shared Spirit Journey session is a spiritual regression for two people (couples, best-friends, partners, etc.), where we explore an aspect of your collective multi-dimensional Selves through a story that your collective of Higher Selves and Spirit Guides share with you both.

Every session is very different and it's impossible to describe other than to say we go with the flow of the story that presents itself and we collectively explore it together.

These stories are often representative of a past life, an alternative lifetime or even a metaphor, but regardless of what is presented, the importance is in the messages that are given through this story or in relation to this story, which are always related to your current life and to help you expand beyond your current level of understanding. (LBF Shared Journey is typically 1.5-2.0 hours, and package includes a 60 min orientation session.)

The Energy Exchange includes a US$111 non-refundable deposit.

Total due $444

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