Life Beyond Form™ Akashic Records Journey

Thank you for your faith in me and for the honor of allowing me to be part of your journey. I am very excited to see what we will discover together and for the growth that we will experience along the way.

Please include your phone number below in case I can't reach you via email. Lots of Love, Daniel 🙂❤️

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If you would like to donate anything extra, the additional financial love is appreciated. 🙂❤️

Order summary

Life Beyond Form™ Akashic Records Journey

The Life Beyond Form™ Akashic Records Journey is a directed session that will take you into your own Akashic Records where one of the Keepers of the Akash who will share information from your own records to give you more clarity and direction in your life. 

Every session is very different and it's impossible to describe other than to say we go with the flow of the story that presents itself and we collectively explore it together.

We will of course give your Spirit Guides an opportunity to share information with you that they feel will add to the experience and help you to help you reduce resistance and expand into greater levels of awareness more easily.

(LBF Akashic Journey is typically 45-60 minutes. A 30 minute initial orientation is also included.)

The Energy Exchange includes a US$55 non-refundable deposit.

Total due $189

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All transactions are secured using 256-bit encryption.