Spirit w.Love ~ Sample Reading Demo Sessions ONLY for the Story of Your Stars: Understanding Astrology

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Get a Private Reading with Kitty Foss

Work directly with Kitty and have her tell you the story of your stars. 

You can choose a single reading of your choice:

  • Natal or Birth Chart Reading
  • Solar Return Reading (Current Year Energies from Your Birthday Onwards)
  • Comparative Reading Between You and Another (with their consent)
  • And you can speak with Kitty about other reading options.

(Must be completed within one year of purchase.)


Order summary

Spirit w.Love ~ Sample Reading Demo Sessions ONLY for the Story of Your Stars: Understanding Astrology

This is a ONLY the supplemental module to the Course and it will give you access only to the three additional Sample Readings:

🦋 Natal Chart
🦋 Solar Return or Curren Year Energy Reading
🦋 Synastry Chart: Comparative Reading Between Two People

And, you can also ADD a Private Session with Kitty Foss.

Go HERE if you want to purchase the Course Level 01 Sessions as well.

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(Please Note: Due to the nature of digital data, we do not offer a refund for online courses.)

Total due $36

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