❤️ Remembering We Are Spirit ❤️ Learning That Being Human Is a Spiritual Experience ❤️
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Spiritual Development Coaching...
Deepening, developing and expanding your own Spiritual Intelligence* is the foundation for any coaching conversation, including:
💧 Business Coaching
💧 Career Coaching
💧 Entrepreneurship Coaching
💧 Executive Coaching
💧 Life Coaching
💧 Relationship Coaching
💧 Work-Life Balance Coaching
* Spiritual Intelligence = the integration and depth of your understanding that you are both Spirit and Human.
Developing your Spiritual Intelligence is the secret to living life at your fullest potential; creating and alchemizing from the deepest and most expansive version of yourself, which translates into living in abundance, love and joy across every aspect of your life.
These sessions will always be influenced by the guidance and information I receive via my own spiritual intuition. What we discuss and what comes through is often directed by your Higher Self, your own personal Spirit Team and from higher wisdom.
We are all on a quest to find our true selves throughout our lives, this site and the work that I do is an autobiographical representation of my own journey and the passion I feel to share what I have learned about what it means to be both Spirit and Human, and the symbiotic relationship between the two. In doing so, the hope is that my journey can help you connect, awaken and remember the true greatness, majesty and magnitude of who you are. So that you can create the life you want to live, with even more joy, abundance and love.
"May We All Soar With Inspiration, Explore With Passion and Live With Love."
~ Daniel Martinez Stahl
"Many of us begin our spiritual journey by remembering that we are Spirit having a Human experience, and as we grow and expand into that understanding, we eventually reach a level of awareness where it can be said that we are Human having a Spiritual experience."
~ Daniel Martinez Stahl
What is Spiritual Intelligence...
For me, Spiritual Intelligence refers to the level of understanding we have about what it means to be both Spirit and Human, and the integration of this symbiotic relationship to our current experience of life.
Spiritual Development Coaching is all about helping you to broaden and expand your understanding of what it means to be human and of what it means to be Spirit. More importantly, it's about how this understanding helps to shift your relationship with the Truth of who you are and how all of this awareness changes the way you perceive and respond to Life. Ultimately, helping you to create the life you want from a place of deep knowing and in full alignment with Life itself.
Working Together and Energy Exchange Rates...
Our conversations will always be responsive in the moment and different for every session but will undoubtedly help you to develop a more profound understanding of:
- The system behind life and exploring the elements that influence and determine how our minds work.
- The importance of state-of-mind and its relationship with our ability to perform at our best.
- The simple things we can do to shift our focus, which will instantly and effortlessly improve our quality of life.
- Where to look for inspiration in order to create the life we want to live and become the person we want to be.
- What it means to be both Spirit and Human and how this symbiotic relationship is at the core of our very existence and ultimately determines how we live our lives and quality of life we are experiencing in the moment.
Please reach out if you are interested in playing together:
Spiritual Development Coaching Session | 60–90 minutes | US$222
Spiritual Development Coaching Four-Pack | 04 Sessions 60–90 minutes | US$756
Life Beyond Form™ Spiritual Development Starter Package |3 Dev and 1 LBF | US$888
(includes three deepening sessions and one short Life Beyond Form™ Spirit Journey)
Spiritual Development 10-Week Immersion | 10 Sessions 60-90 minutes | US$1890
Spiritual Development Three-day Intensive | 18 hours | US$3402
Please note: This work is not for everyone...
Expanding beyond the edges of what it means to be human requires a willingness to go beyond conventions and old definitions, with the courage to create new pathways for how you want to live your life.